
目前显示的是 十月 14, 2018的博文

ASTM A 333 Gr 6 Low Temperature Pipes and Tubes

We at Sunny Steel are manufacturer, exporter and supplier of a qualitative range of ASTM A 333 Gr 6 Low Temperature Carbon Steel Pipe & Tubes in Mumbai, India, that are being designed as per the national and international standard quality standards.The specification of ASTM A 333 Gr 6 SAW Pipes encloses for low temperature service. It is used for low temperature service piping down to minus 50 F. ASTM A 333 CS Pipes and Tubes, Carbon Steel A 333 Grade 6 Low Temperature Tubes Supplier, ASTM A333 Carbon Steel Seamless Tubing, ASTM A333 Carbon Steel Gr 6 Low Temperature Tube, Carbon Steel Grade 6 Seamless Pipe, ASTM A333 Grade 6 Low Temperature Pipe & Tubes Manufacturer, ASTM A333 Carbon Steel Gr 6 SAW Pipe & Tubes, A333 Carbon Steel Grade 6 Seamless Pipes, ASTM A333 CS Gr 6 Low Temperature Tube Manufacturer in China.

Seamless steel tubes for low-temperature service

Low temperature service seamless pipes are application for low-temperature pressure container piping by the main standard GB/T18984-2003, ASTM/ASME A/SA333 with steel grade 16MnDG, 10MnDG, A333 Gr.1, Gr.3, Gr.6 Sunny Steel offer an extensive range of Seamless steel pipes for low temperature sevice. GB/T18984-2003 standard suitable for -49 to -148 degrees F cryogenic pressure vessel piping, and low-temperature heat exchanger tubes seamless steel pipe. ASTM/ASME A/SA-333 Grades allow for cold temperature service to minus 150 degrees F. Material is always provided in the normalized condition at a minimum and Charpy Impact tested to a specific temperature range to assure compliance with the required service temperature. Low Temperature Steel Pipe Specifications & Grades ASTM A333 Low Temperature Pipe SA333 & A333 – Grades 1, 3, & 6 Seamless steel tubes for low-temperature service A333-6 low temperature steel pipe welding GB/T18984 Low-temperature heat exchan...

Seamless steel tubes for low-temperature service

ASTM A333 covers nominal (average) wall seamless and welded carbon and alloy steel pipe intended for use at low temperatures. Several grades of ferritic steel are included. Some product sizes may not be available under this specification because heavier wall thicknesses have an adverse affect on low-temperature impact properties. Material & Manufacture The pipe shall be made by the seamless or welding process with the addition of no filler metal in the welding operation. Heat Treatment Requirements All seamless and welded pipe shall be treated to control their microstructure by the following methods: Normalizing per A 333/A 333M-05 section; section or section Quenched and Tempered per A 333/A 333M – 05 section Double Normalized and Tempered per A 333/A 333M – 05 section Chemical Requirements Composition, %   Element Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 6 Carbon, max 0.30 0.19 0.30 Manganese 0.40 – 1.06 0.31 – 0.64 0.29 – 1.06 Phosph...